
Welcome to my scheduling site. I currently offer weekday and weekend classes and workshops both in person and online via Zoom. In addition to classes and workshops, I also offer individualized 1-to-1 and small group sessions (either you come to my home studio (in Landrum, SC) or I can come to your home or studio space.  For those not in the area and who would like an immersive experience or just a get away, I offer small group (up to four people) Build Your Own (Customized) Retreats of varying lengths.

I have studied many traditional styles of yoga and martial arts and well as various types of somatic movement. I am also certified in the hands on technique of Shiatsu. While grounded in years of study and technique, much of my teaching style evolved from observing my own and other bodies in different types of movement and watching how tension and breathing patterns create and continually influence posture. 

I teach from an anatomically functional and somatic perspective. I believe we respond to one another's nervous system in an important way and that bodies (more than words) teach other bodies. Languaging in my classes and my dialogue with students comes from my senses not from my head.

I view self-care as an increasingly necessary part of one's life so that students can begin to feel not only in control of but also responsible for their health. I am interested in helping people understand their own habits and patterns as they consistently show up in their breathing, their movement and their behavior. With this information, people can make changes based on their own feedback and experience. My classes are clinic-style - responsive to the group, organic and spontaneous – so that each person in class gets the personalized information he or she needs. That said, I also work with themes and can provide a mixed modality session that addresses specific areas of the body or injuries and can offer sessions geared toward people in different sports as well as general full body self care and rebalancing of parts.

Most of my classes mix in and are influenced by different modalities but the cornerstones in Yamuna® Body Rolling (YBR®) and Qigong, I use principles, techniques and tools from chiropractic and rolfing and other hands-on modalities as well as from Chinese medicine, somatic movement systems, yoga and martial arts. Regardless of modality, built-in to all classes is the focus on the breath, on moving slowly and with awareness, and on sensing the flow of subtle energy so that students can tap into the potential for self-healing.

Yamuna Body Rolling is an intelligent self-care modality based on embodied anatomy and the use of different sized balls that allows students to rehab themselves. The feedback from the balls and routines lets students discover and become aware of holding patterns or ways that they have been overdoing or under doing in certain areas. YBR can help to reawaken many of the basic developmental and movement patterns that help keep bodies sustainable. These neuromuscular patterns get disrupted through trauma, injuries and even through exercise and sports that are deemed healthy. This leads to a cycle of compensations, imbalances and then maybe even more injuries.

YBR enhances and clarifies physical movement so the body can meet any daily living activity, exercise or sport in a healthy way. Self-adjusting, self-traction, creating space in joints, (not) hanging in ligaments, finding the sitting bones, waking up the whole line of a muscle chain and activating or relaxing muscle groups can all be beautifully illustrated with the feedback from the balls so that the whole body can begin to understand how to find safe and healthy movement.

The power of YBR as a self-care modality lies in how the routines and feedback from the balls offer a slow and organic way for one to unwind, rehab and recover at one's own pace so that any issues have the opportunity to shift and change.  When people work on themselves it opens up the possibility of discovering and becoming aware of holding patterns and begin to undo them.

The purpose of the routines and exercises in YBR classes is to help students begin to move as an integrated whole being - more efficiently, with fewer compensations and more sustainability and aim to:

  • stimulate bone and reverse the impact of usage over time
  • provide traction to keep joints functioning properly
  • release muscle tension to alleviate overall stress
  • increase awareness of compensations to reorganize the nervous system
  • help the body regain balance and operate more efficiently
  • help you gain an embodied understanding of your own anatomy so that you can customize your self care and other practices

For information on Yamuna Body Rolling and the use of therapy balls and other modalities that show up in my classes, please visit any of the links below or email me

Yamuna Body Rolling Official Website

Yamuna Body Rolling Official Facebook Page

Yamuna Foot Fitness

The In Bed with Yamuna Overview:

Yamuna YOUTUBE Videos

Strengthening the Lower Back

Self-Care for Massage Therapists

Body Rolling for Runners

Yoga and Body Rolling

More Yoga and Body Rolling

Yamuna in AARP

Yamuna on the News

Why We Stimulate Bones

Understanding Myofascial Release

Therapy Balls Growing in Popularity - Fox News

NIH Research Article Body Rolling

Redefining Self-Myofascial Release

Qigong is one of the softer martial arts, a little more active than Tai Chi but less rigorous than Kung Fu. Like many of the ancient practices, it is considered both an art and a science. It is increasingly becoming popular as a way for people to manage modern dis eases (such as stress, insomnia, autoimmune issues, hypertension, etc.). The subtle practice can stimulate or soothe where and how one needs it throughout the whole body and asks participants to reconnect the parts,, to synchronizer breathing and to be present and aware

Foundational movements, breath, and flow as well as philosophy and Chinese Medicine theory as preventive and for health and longevity come into each class. No experience is necessary and in general classes offer a slow but energizing basic flow that is done standing (though many movements can be modified to be done in a chair)

Qigong may be one of the earliest systems of energy work so I like to combine the teaching with other basic energy principles and try to weave in information to help students understand energy in an everyday way in order to bring a little more ease and flow into daily life. Moving the concept of energy from the esoteric and solely spiritual realms to the mundane helps people develop a grounded, embodied and integrated practice. The understanding of energy as everything may also help students work with and navigate the world from a more subtle perspective and enable them to grow into their innate abilities...remembering that sensitivity is a strength not a limitation.

For information on Qigong and the style that shows up in my classes, please visit any of the links below:

What is Qigong?

Lee Holden Discusses Qigong

20 Minute Morning Qi Gong Exercise by Lee Holden

Lee Holden's 20-Minute Evening Qigong Routine

3 Keys to Improve Physical Mobility Using Qigong Principles

7 Core Benefits of Qigong

For some other of my sustainable movement, somatics and experiential anatomy teachers, check out the links below

Tune Up Fitness Official Website

Self-Myofascial Techniques for Pain relief

MovNat Article on How Crawling Informs Walking

Nutritious Movement - Katy Bowman

Katy Bowman on Hamstrings

Katy Bowman on Walking

Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen: The Role of Organs in Movement

For meditation teachers that I study with, check out the following links

Pema Chodron - Buddhist Nun

Sreve Nobel - The Soul Matrix

Liz Findlay Healing

Kia Miller Radiant Body Yoga

Individualized 1-to-1 Sessions are useful if you are recovering from injury or surgery or just need to focus on an overused area of the body or recurring issue.  We will explore the various compensatory patterns and look at how work, exercise and / or daily life are supporting or not supporting your alignment on all levels.  We will come up with some homework that can reinforce whatever was covered in the session and hopefully allow you to create a new baseline in your recovery and general well being. Small Group Sessions are for those wanting to enjoy self care together or are maybe part of a running club, a cycling team or horseback riding club or for co-workers or family members who want to practice together.  These sessions can be in any format and can include whatever supports the group's needs.

Build Your Own Retreat. Currently, I offer extended weekend and weeklong retreats that are designed for small groups o be both intimate and not overly structured or busy. I cook vegetarian meals and participants stay in the retreat space, sharing a room and or in a private room, sharing a bathroom. The retreat space in Landrum, which is in the foothills of SC, There are ample mountain views and waterfall hikes nearby or within driving distance. The home itself is spacious inside and out and super quiet and dark at night. People can build their own retreats, meaning everything from creating the group of up to four participants, and designing the content, and offering suggestions for the menu. Or, individuals can join in a group that is already forming with content and menu loosely in place.


"Throughout her sessions and workshops, Meg takes every opportunity to explain and modify. She also explains how to tap into your own self and become aware, also how to allow yourself to feel, heal, and realize you have choices. She teaches it’s okay to challenge your muscles but to not go to the extreme. Meg recommends readings, video clips, illustrations as well as offering different perspectives and alternative approaches. Continually offering food for thought. Meg is an awesome instructor and then some.......She has offered me a place to quiet and balance my mind , body and spirit. Her teachings have helped me improve my strength, flexibility, shape up, and trim down. Meg encourages me to take it easy, to take my time, to take care of myself as well as to take time for myself. For all of these positive changes I am fortunate and grateful.  Colette, Shapleigh, ME

"Sessions with Meg are the best classes I have every done. Meg has a gift of keen observation that no other yoga teacher I have had displayed - she can identify areas in bodies of students that may be issues and offers helpful words that guide them to focus on performing the movement in a manner that supports correct body alignment. I have learned so much about my body that has helped me to understand how and why I have injured myself doing "gentle yoga" in the past! I am challenged and excited about how my body is responding."  Mary, Virginia

"I have been a life long adrenaline junkie and control freak with a strong care giver mentality. Prior to meeting Meg and becoming involved with the Yamuna practice my mind and body acted independently of each other and I was totally obvious to it. Worse yet, I did not understand the basic concepts of getting out of my head, being in the present moment or simply being within my own body. My brain chatter was and at times still tries to clutter my mind and drive my actions and sleep patterns. A few years ago I began my journey with Meg. She has helped me find a kinder and gentler way to treat both my mind and body. This alternative path consists of Yamuna body rolling exercise with various balls and props including breathing exercises and mediation. I no longer feel the need torture my body with extreme exercise events to capture the endorphins or the rush. I get my “feel good” now through body rolling which I have learned from Meg’s classes. What I have learned from Meg’s classes I now do with my own Yamuna balls at home. I will continue my Yamuna practice with Meg and consider myself as an “advancing student” with much more to learn in the vast world of Yamuna. Yamuna and Meg help keep me grounded in these crazy times."  Debbie,, Sebastian, FL

"I was a sixty-five year old woman in an eighty-five year old body; stiff, achy and hobbled. Having had two spine surgeries and in serious need of a knee replacement, I was in search of a way to regain my flexibility and mobility. Daily walking and bike riding were good for my cardio vascular system but did nothing for ease of movement. Then Meg came rolling into my life with her balls and the techniques of Yamuna Ball Rolling. This practice coupled with Meg’s intuitive ability to sense the needs of each person helped me to regain muscle tone and flexibility; which led to an extremely successful knee replacement. Continuing with Meg’s teachings has allowed me to gain proper alignment in my body, which has led to easier breathing, better sleep and a clearer more focused mind. This has truly been a life changing experience for me."  Lois, Saco, ME / Sebastian, FL

"I can attest to the benefits of Yamuna Body Rolling / Yoga classes with Meg. When I met Meg at the pool one day, she suggested I try it. I was facing more back surgery. I had had 5 surgeries and was not looking forward to another. That was 4 years ago and I have maintained or improved. I have a dropped foot and have difficulty walking. I now can walk 1-2 miles without a cane. Thank you Meg for helping me become aware of my body, breathing and wanting to do more."  Melanie, Scarborough, ME


"Very rarely will you meet someone so simultaneously light and down-to-earth as Meg Whitbread. I have studied with her and watched her grow as a teacher and healer for the past 15 years. She has extraordinarily keen eyes that allow her to see and understand bodies in a way that I can barely fathom. She has warm, wise hands that enable her to relate to literally everybody in a kind, compassionate way. And the fact that her feet are planted so thoroughly in the ground exposes her authenticity and reveals the source of her unpretentious sense of humor. I am continually impressed by her refusal to commit to any one tradition, lineage, or way. Instead Meg trusts her own way, and that makes her quite potent as an embodied presence."
Geoffrey, New Orleans, LA

"I have known and worked with Meg since 2002, when we met in San Francisco and together opened a thriving studio called The Yoga Loft (2002-2014). Meg is a naturally gifted teacher with deep insight and experience in realms of anatomy, embodiment-oriented yoga, meditation, and humor! One of Meg's greatest attributes as a teacher is her ability to listen, hold, and reflect a student's experience with an innate sense of lightness. She is a tremendous value to a studio environment because students trust her with their deepest unfolding, and the lightness she emanates is often contagious.
Jane, CT

"Meg brings a wealth of experience both as an instructor and practitioner. She has a mastery of postural alignment coupled with her extensive study of the energy body. This makes her ability to read a student’s posture, movement and yoga pose insightful and accurate. She is able to hold a large group of students, setting a deep space. She is comfortable with silence and is able to shift the energy of a public, multi-­‐level class with ease, as she responds to the needs of the individuals in the group. She holds a calm, quiet presence, which all of her students respond to very well. They love her presence and her friendly manner.  Meg is comfortable addressing students of all levels of ability – she is not intimidated by those who have physical challenges."

Yoga Acharya Shakti Durgaya, Sebastian, FL

No class found for the selected class and location.
9 Sun
March 9
Sunday TODAY
1:00 pm
Group Session
2 hours
Virtual / ONLINE
10 Mon
March 10
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
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2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
11 Tue
March 11
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pm
Group Session
2 hours
Virtual / ONLINE
4:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12 Wed
March 12
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
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2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
13 Thu
March 13
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
14 Fri
March 14
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
15 Sat
March 15
10:00 amGMT-04:00
Virtual Self-Care Extended Practice
1 hour 30 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
17 Mon
March 17
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
7 Chakras 7 Days: Embodying Your Energy Centers
1 hour 45 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
4:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
18 Tue
March 18
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
19 Wed
March 19
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
7:00 pm
Group Session
2 hours
Retreat House
20 Thu
March 20
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
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1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
21 Fri
March 21
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
22 Sat
March 22
10:00 amGMT-04:00
Virtual Self-Care Extended Practice
1 hour 30 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pm
Group Session
2 hours
23 Sun
March 23
10:00 am
1-to-1 Session In Person
55 minutes
Retreat House
24 Mon
March 24
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
25 Tue
March 25
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
26 Wed
March 26
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
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2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
27 Thu
March 27
11:00 amGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
12:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
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2:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
28 Fri
March 28
7:30 amGMT-04:00
Energy Slow Flow (Online Eastern Time)
55 minutes
1:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
1:00 pm
Group Session
2 hours
Virtual / ONLINE
3:00 pm
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE
4:00 pmGMT-04:00
1-to-1 Session Online (55 minutes)
55 minutes
Virtual / ONLINE